Tinubu Administration Considering to Suspend tariffs on Rice and Other Food Commodities’ imports for 150 days (Explained in Full Details)

Tariffs on rice and other food commodities refer to taxes or duties imposed by the government on imported goods. In this context, tariffs on food commodities mean that importers must pay a certain amount of money to the government for each ton of rice, wheat, maize, or other food items they bring into the country.

The payment of import duties and other tariffs on food commodities has been going on for decades in Nigeria, but the country's government led by President Bola Tinubu has recently announced plans to suspend import duties and other tariffs on food items and other basic commodities for six months starting May 1, 2024 . This move is aimed at addressing the rising cost of food and other essential items in the country.

Tariffs can serve various purposes, including:

1. Revenue generation: Tariffs provide a source of income for the government.

2. Protectionism: Tariffs can make imported goods more expensive, protecting domestic industries and encouraging local production.

3. Trade regulation: Tariffs can influence the flow of goods and services between countries.

By suspending or reducing tariffs on food commodities, the government aims to:

1. Lower the cost of imports

2. Increase food availability

3. Reduce prices for consumers

4. Encourage imports to bridge supply gaps

This move can help alleviate hunger and food insecurity, especially in times of scarcity or high prices. However, it may also impact local farmers and the domestic food industry, as cheaper imports can compete with their products.

Recent Development On Food And Other Commodities Tariff Payment 

The Tinubu administration has announced plans to implement measures to combat rising food prices and hunger, including ;

1) - A 150-day duty-free import window for food commodities, including rice, maize, wheat, and cowpeas.

2) - Suspension of duties, tariffs, and taxes on certain food commodities through land and sea borders.

3) - Importation of 250,000MT of wheat and 250,000MT of maize by the federal government.

4) - Targeted supplies to small-scale processors and millers across the country.

5) - Engagement with stakeholders to set a Guaranteed Minimum Price (GMP) and restock the National Strategic Food Reserve.

6) - Development of a strategic engagement for youth and women across the federation for greenhouse cultivation of horticultural crops.

7) - Launch of the Renewed Hope National Livestock Transformation Implementation Committee to prioritize livestock development.

Advantages Of Suspension Of Import Duties and Other Tariffs on Food Commodities  

1.)  Reduced food prices: With lower import costs, prices of food items are likely to decrease, making them more affordable for consumers.

2.) Increased food availability: Suspension of tariffs can lead to increased imports, reducing shortages and improving food security.

3.) Relief for low-income households: Lower food prices can provide relief to low-income households, who spend a significant portion of their income on food.

4.) Boost to economy: Reduced prices can lead to increased consumer spending, potentially boosting economic activity.

5.) Encouragement of trade: Suspension of tariffs can promote trade and encourage importers to bring in more goods, potentially leading to increased economic activity.

6.) Inflation reduction: Lower food prices can contribute to a reduction in inflation rates.

7.) Support for agriculture: Suspension of tariffs on agricultural inputs can support farmers and the agricultural sector, potentially leading to increased production and self-sufficiency.

It's important to note that the suspension of tariffs may also have potential drawbacks, such as impacting local industries and farmers who may struggle to compete with cheaper imports.

Potential Disadvantages Of Suspending Import Duties and Other Tariffs on Food Commodities

Some potential disadvantages of suspending import duties and other tariffs on food commodities include:

1. Impact on local industries: Cheaper imports may harm local farmers and food processors, who may struggle to compete.

2. _Loss of government revenue_: Suspension of tariffs means reduced income for the government, potentially impacting public spending and development projects.

3. _Dependence on imports_: Increased reliance on imports may undermine efforts to develop local agriculture and food production.

4. _Risk of dumping_: Suspension of tariffs may lead to dumping of low-quality or subsidized products, harming local industries.

5. _Potential for abuse_: Unscrupulous importers may exploit the suspension to smuggle goods or engage in other illicit activities.

6. _Negative impact on local employment_: Cheap imports may lead to job losses in local industries, particularly in the agricultural sector.

7. _Risk of undermining self-sufficiency_: Over-reliance on imports may hinder efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency and improve food security in the long term.

These potential drawbacks highlight the need for careful consideration and strategic planning to mitigate any negative consequences while implementing policies aimed at reducing food prices and improving food security.


In conclusion, the Tinubu administration's consideration to suspend tariffs on rice and other food commodities' imports for 150 days is a measure aimed at addressing food insecurity and high prices in Nigeria. The potential benefits of this policy like earlier started include:

- Reduced food prices
- Increased food availability
- Relief for low-income households
- Boost to economic activity
- Support for agriculture

However, the policy also carries potential risks and drawbacks like earlier stated which including:

- Impact on local industries
- Loss of government revenue
- Dependence on imports
- Risk of dumping
- Potential for abuse
- Negative impact on local employment
- Risk of undermining self-sufficiency

To mitigate these risks, the government must carefully consider the implementation of this policy, ensure adequate safeguards, and develop strategies to support local farmers and industries. Effective communication and stakeholder engagement are also crucial to ensure the success of this policy.
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